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Sharing the stories of Asian American & Pacific Islander Vegans

Thank you for finding this corner of the internet. 

If feedback is high enough, I may have to make this a regular blog!



Please introduce yourself and tell your story of being vegan however you want, preferably under 500 words as a blog.

Attach a picture (vid if you're extra :), too. 


Copy-paste these questions and send me your responses! 

1. When I went vegan: 

My inspiration for staying vegan:

2. How I face obstacles, such as family opposition (my heritage):

3. How I like my favorite meaty protein, (i.e. tofu, seitan, or tempeh?): 

4. Social Media and/or Website Links: 


2/2018. I edited this graphic (source linked): 


submit here

an option (draft in document for more space)

Thanks for submitting!

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